The countries of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) have strategically invested in strengthening case-based surveillance
of HIV/STI, TB and Viral Hepatitis in an attempt to improve the availability of good quality data in order to monitor the evolution of the epidemic
and the effect of public health and clinical interventions in a sustainable manner. In addition, establishing the framework for
case-based surveillance for HIV will ultimately allow for the use of this approach for other health conditions, especially the non-communicable diseases (NCDs).
The result therefore is that CBS will result in significant strengthening of the information systems in the OECS allowing for better, evidence-informed decision at both the clinical and administrative levels.
This advance integrated HIV/STI/TB case-based surveillance system collects the following data:
1. HIV/STI, TB and Viral Hepatitis Screening Information for Pregnant, Adult, Pediatric and Exposed Infants
2. Behavioral data of registered / screened clients
3. Prevention and Control data
4. ANC & PMTCT data (HIV, Syphilis and Viral Hepatitis)
5. Clinical Management of HIV/STI, TB and Viral Hepatitis
6. Central Medical Supplies and Pharmacy Stock and MEdical Dispense
7. Auto-reporting & data story telling using defined reporting indicators on the data collected